Dr Clint Prior is both a human and equine chiropractor as well as a life time rider.
He is also currently studying a Diploma of Equine Acupuncture.
Dr Prior has a comprehensive knowledge of both human and equine anatomy.
This knowledge combined with his riding and training experience provides a unique ability to diagnose and explain both rider and horse injuries and problems.
Dr Prior treats all horses from high level performance to pleasure horses.
Saddle fitting is one of the largest sources of discomfort for all ridden horses and is a common cause of thoraco-lumbar and costo-vertebral (rib) dysfunction.
Its solution is a combination of biomechanical analysis and treatment by a qualified chiropractor along with correct fitting of the saddle by a qualified saddler.
Chiropractic works by focusing on restoring normal joint biomechanics and nervous system function by specifically adjusting those joints with aberrant mechanics and function.
This enables optimal function and movement of the horse.
The basis of all true equine disciplines is to achieve a supple, willing horse that will respond to aids without resistance and the experience of pain. Chiropractic enhances the natural abilities of the highly trained and bred modern performance horse. It’s about making good horses better and the injured return to form quicker!
Clint’s contact details are; Horses – 0413 450 744 (Tue, Thu)
Riders at Mt Barker Chiropractic – 8398 4855 (Mon, Wed, Fri).